31 December 2014

2015 Inspiration Board!

2015 Inspiration Board!
For the last several years I have made an Inspiration Board for the coming year.  A handful of girlfriends and I have gathered around the table, gotten out the magazines, glue, and scissors and talked about what we were excited to accomplish in the year to come.  This year, my schedule just didn't permit time for hosting such a gathering, but I couldn't imagine not having an inspiration board for the coming year - especially with the great big desire I have to visit all 50 states!

I wrapped the board in leopard wrapping paper...
from Michael's Christmas clearance sale last week!
Obviously travel is a still a big theme!  That's my life - it's who I am.

I put "Great Reads" on there to remind myself to read more.  My husband mentioned yesterday that I have so many great, new books that I haven't read and I thought, "Yeah - I need to read more... I LOVE to read!"

Some of the others speak for themselves....  ideas to remind me to honor my inner self...  "be amazed", "keep it wild", "spice things up".

And some practical things like "Stick to regular exercise" and "Don't spend too much money".

My favorite might actually be "STYLE.  Look Good.  Feel Good."  I like to dress nicely - I feel good when I dress up a bit, but I have such a casual office that I feel overdressed when I do.  So my goal is to forget about the office dress and dress how I feel.  =D

What are you inspired to do for the new year?  What are your resolutions?

Happy New Year all!

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