07 August 2014

Thursday's Thought

"Happy weddings are a dime a dozen,
but a happy marriage is a rare commodity." 
~Danielle Schwartz

Today's thought is a special one, as it falls on our 4th wedding anniversary!  I had this thought back in June.  Watching one of the dozens of wedding shows on TV.  I love these shows.  You know, Bridezillas, Rich Bride Poor Bride, Four Weddings, etc.  I love watching these shows because I get to see other brides wedding decor and themes.  I had so much fun planning, DIYing and crafting for our wedding - that I am always excited to see what others come up with.  Often times they start to all look the same... but every once in a while a bride will blow my mind with her creativity!  And that is why I keep watching.  For that one in a hundred that is so lovely that I cry.  Yeah, I cry watching TV weddings.  But my husband will gladly tell you that I cry during commercials, too.  They don't have to be sad commercials, either.  I cry at happy ones, as well!  Back to today's thought.  It came while watching one of these wedding shows, because I wondered how many of these weddings continue in bliss.  The way some of the brides talk to their husbands-to-be is appalling. I started thinking some must not be happily ever after.  Especially with today's divorce rate.  So with Google in hand, I did a little digging and wasn't too surprised to find out that of the couples that appeared to be doomed... many were already divorced.

But - today I celebrate 4 years with my husband!  And I thank my stars for him every day.  This story is for anther time... but briefly... the first time I met my husband, I saw a shooting star over his head.  Hence, thanking my stars for him.  I've grown a lot in the 4 years we've been married.  I've learned a lot about myself.  I've learned it is okay to depend on him.  It is okay for me to not be strong 100% of the time.  It is okay to be vulnerable.  I'm still learning things.  But I know without my husband, I would not be the woman I am today.  And I am so grateful to him for that.  For his kindness and undeniable love.  {And yes, I am crying while typing this - such a sap!}  So as we celebrate 4 years {apart, sadly - as we are both working today} I realize I have a rare commodity.  Of course we had a happy wedding {and that picture behind the quote is our actual cake topper!}, but we also have a happy marriage.  No, it's not perfect.  But we're not perfect - as individuals.  What we are, though, is perfect for each other.  And I couldn't feel more blessed.

Happy four years, my love!

Our Wedding Photographers - TK&J Lochmandy Photography


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