23 October 2009

tiny buddha...

i love this new website www.tinybuddha.com
they have some wonderful bits of inspiration on it...
they have a weekly newsletter/email with top tens..
this is this weeks, i got today...
check it out... and subscribe if you like!

10 Ways to Feel Satisfied with Your Life Now

1. Acknowledge where you'd like to see improvements. If you're unhappy, there's a reason. Identifying what you'd like to change is the first step toward becoming more satisfied.

2. Take one step every day toward changing what makes you unhappy. The most important part of creating change is maintaining forward momentum. Spend a little time every day creating the life you want, and it will eventually become a habit that transforms your life.

3. Set small, attainable goals. This isn't to say you shouldn't set large goals. If you set small ones, as well, you'll allow yourself abundant opportunities to feel proud of what you've accomplished.

4. Do something you always wanted to do, even if on a much smaller scale. If you've always dreamed of playing piano, book your first lesson. When you go after your passions, you generally feel more fulfilled, whether you impress other people or not.

5. Make a list of your accomplishments and add to it daily. You may not realize just how many of your goals you've already reached.

6. Identify ways you've improved people's lives for the better. We've all had our It's a Wonderful Life George Bailey moments. You have made a huge difference in at least one person's life. If you can't see that yourself ask the people closest to you.

7. Practice mindfulness--focusing fully on whatever is in front of you. When you root yourself in the present moment, contentment is more attainable. It's far easier to be happy in one moment than it is to feel satisfied about decades of events.

8. Shift your focus from things you do to who you are. Even if you're not pleased with your professional advancement, you can still feel proud of how far you've come as a person--the way you make people laugh, how you're always patient and understanding.

9. Redefine satisfaction. You may think everything needs to be perfect for you to feel fulfilled. Since you likely will always strive for more in life--no matter how far you go--why not learn to feel satisfied within the process of becoming?

10. Try one new thing every day. One of the most common ways to feel stagnant is to fall into a routine. Trying something new gives you a sense of excitement and adventure. When you feel truly alive in a moment, you're less likely to dwell on things you think are missing.

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