23 December 2013

...and a Happy Christmas to all!

Here's a little glimpse into the awesomeness that our Christmas has been so far!

We have a couple of cats... that I "married into".  We hadn't had a Christmas tree yet, because we were worried about the cats' behavior around it.  Well, no need to worry!  We put up our first Christmas tree this year and they've been fine!  With the exception of a couple lower hung ornaments M.I.A., I think we have gotten pretty lucky.

 We got this ornament our very first Christmas together!  After knowing each other just a few weeks... we decided to go camping in the Redwoods in Northern CA together for Christmas!  It was a magical trip.  I felt like I was falling in love, but I loved traveling so much that I had to be sure that Dave was the best fit for me.  The test?  Travel together!  We really had such an amazing time... it's no surprise we were engaged just a couple weeks later.  

 I made this ornament with our wedding invitation. 

 This one we bought our second Christmas together.  Our first married Christmas.

 I made this for our front door this year.

For Christmas, Dave bought me tickets to see the lead singer of my favorite band - Ed Kowalczyk!  {Formerly of the band LIVE}  It was an acoustic show in Sacramento and so chill.  We sat at a table directly in front of the stage.  I even got a chance to meet him after!  {And give him a Generosity Street t-shirt.}  Before the show we drove up the river delta on a nice leisurely drive, then went to Old Sacramento and caught a glimpse of their very wonderful Christmas lights.  They even put on a free show, reading The Night Before Christmas with a few actors on the rooftops with interactive lighting.  It was very entertaining and I'm so glad we got to add that into such a special night.

 From the drive up the Sacramento River Delta.

Old Sacramento Tree.

 The Assembly - where we saw Ed K.

Me and Ed K!

This past weekend, I went to Boston and New Hampshire to visit my family for a pre-Christmas.  We exchanged gifts, did a little shopping and I got to play hardy New Englander with the more than a foot of snow they got!  I definitely don't miss the snow. 

 Gingerbread house that Alex and I made.

 Alexandria, NH

  Alexandria, NH

  Alexandria, NH

  Alexandria, NH

 My tracks out of my parent's driveway...  I had to hit the road from NH to Boston but the plow guy hadn't come yet. It took us an hour to get my rental out!

And a little picture of our kitties that I sent to my Mom.  She gave me the blanket they're loving up on for Christmas.  Maybe it's the blanket that is keeping them from attacking the tree!

After visiting the North East I spent the last week {on vacation} baking like a mad woman!  Now I am back to work for a couple of days and then looking forward to a quiet Christmas at home with my adoring husband.  I'll never get tired of sitting on the couch with him... laughing at his silly antics...  snuggling up to his beard.  I'm so grateful I found and married this man. 

Happy Christmas friends!

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