31 October 2009

An Easy Connection with Life

We all know what it's like to get trapped in dark, constricting states of mind—and how useless it is, in terms of awakening, to dwell there. That is exactly what the Buddha taught: we don't need to stay stuck in greed, hatred, and delusion. Life can be lighter, more workable, even when it's challenging. This lightening up, which I see as an aspect of joy, is the fruit of insight into anatta, the selfless nature of reality, and anicca, the truth of impermanence. When we are not attached to who we think we are, life can move through us, playing us like an instrument. Understanding how everything is in continual transformation, we release our futile attempts to control circumstances. When we live in this easy connection with life, we live in joy.
- James Baraz

i'm often intrigued by the connections between buddhism and christianity. Probably because i was raised with christianity and am interested in the simple way of life that seems to be a part of buddhism. this quote reminds me of the phrase "let go, let god" which, although isn't necessarily christian, it's more twelve step, it certainly rings christianity in my ears. often times the best way to handle any situation is to let go of it... stop trying to control it. circumstances seem to have their own sense of direction, anyway... let it go, go with the flow and embrace the direction in which life takes you. have faith. have faith that there just might be something bigger than you, who has a clue.

the "go with the flow" bit i just said reminds me of someone in my life recently. he said, "people keep telling me to go with the flow and i say the only fish that go with the flow are the dead ones! i've been a salmon my whole life, swimming against the stream, it's just who i am!" i certainly felt where he was coming from... i've felt i've spent most of my life swimming against the currents... but i also think it's perhaps not the best way to live. i don't think just the dead ones go with the flow... i think the live ones, the ones filled with life, are also keen enough in their sense of environment to know that they will move along whether they swim against or go with the flow.... but in swimming against they waste a ton of energy and aren't able to enjoy the sights along the way. i don't have energy to spare... and no one enjoys sightseeing more than i do... it's time i start to pull in the oars and float for a bit... enjoy the view.

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